The Van Horne Estate on Ministers Island Inc. (VHEMI) is a registered charitable body (Registered Charity # 85909 0300 RR 0001) representing the local communities who believe strongly in the provincial and national importance of the Island. We were incorporated March 1, 2004; incorporation number 611248. In 2008 the provincial government of New Brunswick signed a long-term lease with the Van Horne Estate on Ministers Island Inc which through its volunteer membership base is tasked with protecting, preserving and developing Ministers Island as a nationally and provincially designated historic site.
For many thousands of years Ministers Island (Consquamcook) was the seasonal home of the Peskotomuhkati indigenous people. Qonasqamkuk, the present site of St. Andrews, was the fire place, the place where the councils of the nation were held. VHEMI respectfully acknowledges the unresolved status of this Peskotomuhkati territory and we look forward to working with all peoples to honour the history and beauty of this land.